On the 2nd of July PCT hosted a meeting for the Group Pilot A members seeking to establish a common understanding for the pilot requirements. In this meeting project coordinator, ICCS, has been also participated. PCT presented the conceptual design and the system architecture of the pilot. The infrastructure of all three participating partners was discussed (PCT, NOATUM Terminal and Port of Koper) and the applicability of the pilot was verified.

It was agreed that the pilot would be based on the following technologies:

  • DGPS for tracking the location of containers and yard equipment

  • RFID for the identification of containers

  • GIS for the visualization of container yards

After the discussion for the Group Pilot A, a tour at PCT premises was offered to the participants of the meeting. The tour started at the main building and the control tower where the yard and vessel planning processes were described. The container yard was visited next were the participants had a chance to see real operations. The new Pier III that was inaugurated on June 2013, was visited where the members of the pilot had a chance to see tandem operations on the new quay cranes.

The meeting concluded with the discussion of the next steps required before the start of the implementation of the pilot.