Cyber-MAR is an EU-funded innovation action, that addressed the call SU-DS01-2018 of the H2020 Programme and consists of 13 partners from 8 EU countries, united in their vision to boost cyber preparedness in the maritime sector as a highly prioritize aspect.
The aim of Cyber-MAR, coordinated by the Institute of Communication and Computer System (ICCS), is to fully unlock the value of using cyber range in the maritime logistics supply chain via the development of an innovative simulation environment adapting in the peculiarities of the maritime sector, but being at the same time easily applicable in other transport subsectors. A combination of innovative technologies are the technology enablers of the proposed Cyber-MAR platform, which is both knowledge-based platform and a decision support tool to cybersecurity measures, by deploying novel risk analysis and econometric models. Collected and analysed CSIRTs/CERTs data will feed the knowledge-based platform with new target scenarios and exercises.
The Cyber-MAR project kick-off meeting was hosted by ICCS in Porto Heli, between 18th and 20th September, 2019. The project partners had their first interaction toward a fruitful future collaboration.
The Kick-off meeting marked the starting point for the constructive and successful collaboration between all partners. The project’s goals were thoroughly identified during the 3-days meeting and each Work Package leader gave a detailed overview of the roles, responsibilities and vision for their WPs. The primary goal of the meeting was to depict clearly the project’s scope and desire impact, focusing on the project’s goals and expectations as well as on the classification of the 1st semester activities.
SEAbility, as Leader of the Work Package 7 “High Impact Communications and Networking” presented in depth the key objectives, the work done and the provisional time plan for the upcoming steps. SEAbility maintained also an interactive role during the discussions of the WPs related to pilot diployment and summulations, training and awareness raising and teh exploitation activities, in which, it is also involved.
Through Cyber-MAR, the maritime logistics value chain actors will increase their cyber-awareness level and will validate their business continuity management, towards minimizing their business disruption potential. Cyber-MAR will act also as a cost-efficient training solution covering the maritime logistics value chain.
For more information:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no 833389. Content reflects only the authors’ view and European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.