After the success of the 1st and 2nd training activities held in Seville and Naples respectively, the INTE-TRANSIT Consortium organized the project’s third training event in Valencia on 19th November focused on “Strategic planning in ports and logistics & related security frameworks for container transport and ro-ro”.

During this training activity, which was hosted by Valenciaport Foundation, approximately 40 attendees had the opportunity to learn more on how strategic planning and secure logistics frameworks impact and may improve port competitiveness and transit capacities, to understand ICT role to get competitive and secure ports, to familiarise with emerging ICT protocols and software tools for secure, safe & efficient logistics organization and activities and to get acquainted with logistics management models & standards to improve the efficiency and transit capacities in freight transport. Specifically the topics that were discussed, among others, are:

  • Smart, Energy Efficient and Adaptive Port Container Terminals;

  • Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Security-Related Risks by addition of novel ICT technologies;

  • Ports as actors of the future smart grid;

  • Management systems based on international standards for ports;

  • Importance of operational, environmental and energy related factors in ports logistics processes” or “ICT challenges to improve container traceability in Port Container Terminals.

The training session included the participation of trainers from Valenciaport Foundation, PCT S.A. (Piraeus Container Terminal S.A.), Seability Ltd. (Group HQ), IAT and PESYR I+D,SL. A poster and demo session took place in parallel in the framework of which the INTE-TRANSIT management server was showcased to the participants. All training presentations are available for download here.

The next INTE-TRANSIT training events will be organized in Algeciras and Athens within 2015. More information on these upcoming activities will be published shortly.