The first SafePASS plenary meeting took place in Glasgow, Scotland, on 28th to 30th of January 2020, in conjunction with the Stakeholder Requirements, LSA and Community of Practices Workshop conducted on the 29th of January 2020, at University of Strathclyde premises.
During the first day of the plenary meeting interesting presentations took place and frutful discussions were stimulated by Crowd Dynamics International, Chantiers de l’Atlantique, DIGINEXT, DNV GL, EXUS, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., RINA, Maritime Safety Research Centre – University of Strathclyde, National Technical University of Athens, SEAbility Ltd, Survitec Group Ltd, Telesto Technologies, VIKING Life-Saving Equipment A/S and Trinity College Dublin representatives.
Ms. Eleni Krikigianni from SEAB, presented the progress made during the first six months in the literature review about the ship evacuation current practices and regulations, towards illustrating the landscape in terms of LSA used, evacuation procedures/practices and regulatory framework in place.
During the second day of the plenary, members of SafePASS Advisory Board and external experts from Silversea Cruises, European Maritime Safety Agency, Carnival Cruise Line, Bahamas Maritime Authority and Bermuda Maritime Administration offered their views to the ongoing discussion for the Next Generation of Life Saving Appliances and Systems.
SafePASS Stakeholder Requirements, LSA and Community of Practices Workshop took place on the 29th of January. The aim of the workshop was to provide the definition of future requirements for Life-saving Appliances through getting the required feedback from various maritime stakeholders. Workshop was followed by the organisation of a wrap-up plenary session , which was dedicated to the definition of our project’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for an increased reliability and operability for the Life-saving Appliances (LSAs).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 815146. Content reflects only the authors’ view and European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.