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So far zadmin has created 138 blog entries.

INTE-TRANSIT Technical meeting and exchange visit in the port of Piraeus, 2 July 2013

On the 2nd of July PCT hosted a meeting for the Group Pilot A members seeking to establish a common understanding for the pilot requirements. In this meeting project coordinator, ICCS, has been also participated. PCT presented the conceptual design and the system architecture of the pilot. The infrastructure of all three participating partners [...]

By |2018-09-28T10:42:50+00:00July 9th, 2013|News|0 Comments

Bidding on promotional and educational activities

The company SEAbility is working on promotional and educational work within the project INTE-TRANSIT co-financed by the MED No. 2C-MED12-05. Any interested natural or legal person is requested to submit complete offer in accordance with the attached specifications. The delivery time of each task listed below in detail. To maximum cost will not exceed [...]

By |2018-09-28T16:26:00+00:00May 15th, 2013|Announcements|0 Comments

Bidding for software development

The company SEAbility has undertaken the work on the development of software automatic container handling(containers) in ports within the project INTE-TRANSIT co-financed by the MED No. 2C-MED12-05. Any interested natural or legal person is requested to submit complete offer in accordance with the following specifications. The delivery time of each task listed below in [...]

By |2018-09-28T16:27:32+00:00May 15th, 2013|Announcements|0 Comments

INTE-TRANSIT Kick off meeting, 17-18 January 2013

The INTE-TRANSIT project, co-funded by the EU MED Programme, was launched in January 2013. The consortium Kick-off meeting took place at the premises of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems in Athens, Greece, on 17-18 January 2013. The Project coordinator, Dr. Angelos Amditis welcome the 18 participants that represented the 8 consortium partners [...]

By |2018-09-28T10:44:28+00:00April 27th, 2013|News|0 Comments

INTE-TRANSIT a new MED Programme has started!!

INTE-TRANSIT, is a project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the MED programme that launched its activities in January 2013 with the organisation of the consortium kick-off meeting that was held in Athens, Greece and hosted by the project coordinator, the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (http://i-sense.iccs.gr). The basic objective of [...]

By |2018-09-28T10:46:25+00:00February 15th, 2013|News|0 Comments

Press Release

INTE-TRANSIT 'launch' press release issued The first INTE-TRANSIT press release has been issued in February 2013 following the project kick-off meeting in Athens, Greece. This communication contains a statement of the INTE-TRANSIT basic concept, objectives as well as the expected outcomes. The full press release text can be found here. The press release [...]

By |2018-09-28T10:51:21+00:00February 11th, 2013|News|0 Comments

Bidding for design and development of promotional material

The company SEAbility is working on design and development of promotional material within the project INTE-TRANSIT co-financed by the MED No. 2C-MED12-05. Any interested natural or legal person is requested to submit complete offer in accordance with the attached specifications. The delivery time of each task listed below in detail. Download the PDF to [...]

By |2018-09-28T16:30:15+00:00January 31st, 2013|Announcements|0 Comments
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