
Title: Cyber preparedness actions for a holistic approach and awareness raising in the MARitime logistics supply chain
Contracting Authority: European Commission H2020
Contract Number: 833389
Start Date: 01/09/2019
End Date: 31/08/2022 (extention until 28/02/2023)
Project Website:
Cyber-MAR, a Cybersecurity preparedness project that addressed the call SU-DS01-2018 of the H2020 Programme, brings together a complementary consortium composed of 13 partners and covers a large portion of Europe (8 Member States). The consortium consists of partners of different nationalities, technical backgrounds and complementing multidisciplinary expertise secure a high-quality actor participation from each intervention domain.
Cyber-MAR is an effort to fully unlock the value of the use of cyber range in the maritime logistics value chain via the development of an innovative simulation environment adapting in the peculiarities of the maritime sector, but being at the same time easily applicable in other transport subsectors. A combination of innovative technologies are the technology enablers of the proposed Cyber-MAR platform, which is not only a knowledge-based platform, but more importantly a decision support tool to cybersecurity measures, by deploying novel risk analysis and econometric models. CSIRTs/CERTs data collected will be analysed and feed the knowledge-based platform with new-targeted scenarios and exercises. Through Cyber-MAR, the maritime logistics value chain actors will increase their cyberawareness level; they will validate their business continuity management minimizing business disruption potential. Cyber-MAR will act as a cost-efficient training solution covering the maritime logistics value chain.
In order to be well prepared for emerging and future cyber-attacks, efficiently mitigate risks and follow an as much as accurate and cost-efficient cyber-defense investment plan, maritime logistics actors need to base their cyber defense strategy on a palette of innovations, novel combinations of them and changes of mindset, reflected in the following Cyber-MAR high-level objectives:
O1. Enhance capabilities of cyber security professionals and raise awareness on cyber -risks
O2. Assess cyber-risks for Operational Technologies (OT)
O3. Quantify the economic impact of cyber-attacks across different industries with a focus on port disruption
O4. Promote cyber-insurance market maturity in the maritime logistics sector (adaptable to other transport sectors as well)
O5. Establish and extend CERTs/CSIRTs, competent authorities and relevant actors collaboration and engagement
SEABILITY is responsible for the dissemination and communication activities of the relevant Work Package. It is also involved in the exploitation activities of Cyber-MAR based on the significant experience in the maritime transport market, as well as increasing Cyber-MAR awareness and supporting the training activities that will be developed by creating synergies with relevant EU Agencies. In addition, SEAB will substantially contribute to Piraeus pilot deployment and simulations.
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