Title: FeDerated nEtwork of pLatforms for Passenger and freigHt Intermodality – DELPHI
Contracting Authority: European Research Executive Agency (Horizon Europe)
Contract Number: 101104263
Start Date: 01/07/2023
End Date: 30/06/2026
DELPHI is a Horizon Europe project that brings together a complementary consortium of 16 partners (+1 associated partner and 1 affiliated entity), from 8 EU and associated countries with the view to address the growing challenges of passenger and freight mobility. Recognizing the complexity of stakeholder landscapes, fragmented transportation systems, and the need for secure data sharing, DELPHI will focus on the strategic dimension of integrating passenger and freight transport in a single federated system, working towards integrating sectors, harmonizing data, and leveraging advanced methodologies, to transform transportation systems, for a sustainable future.
DELPHI is expected to deliver an overall architectural design that will enable a secure data federation (interfaces, security mechanisms, etc.) in a Data Spaces-driven approach, novel governance and regulatory schemes (stakeholder and ecosystem specifications, information flows, data sovereignty principles, regulatory artefacts) and novel and ultra-efficient methodologies for traffic monitoring, such as Unmanned Aerial System-powered monitoring. Furthermore, it will provide multi-/inter-modal optimisation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) /Machine Learning (ML)-powered optimisations and frameworks, and will exploit diverse modes for hybrid passenger and freight transport (e-bike-powered crowd-shipping, subway, shuttle and taxi service) in different ecosystem types (urban, sub-urban, rural/island).
DELPHI’s federated ecosystem, over the course of the project’s three-year lifetime, will be extensively evaluated in real life settings through four pilot demonstrations across the participating transportation networks located in Spain (Madrid), Greece (Athens and Mykonos), and Romania (Cluj-Napoca). These demos aim to facilitate the effective preparation and seamless integration of systems, and they will involve continuous monitoring of progress, to ensure smooth functioning and improved interconnectivity. DELPHI project is coordinated by the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS).
SEABILITY leads DELPHI Dissemination, communication, exploitation and community building Work Package 6, which includes, except for leading the dissemination and communication activities (task 6.1) & the Exploitation Strategy and Adoption of DELPHI innovations (task 6.4), the Networking, Community Building and liaison activities (task 6.2) and the Standardisation contributions & Policy Recommendation (task 6.3). SEAB, also, participates and contributes to State-of-the-art in governance and stakeholder ecosystem (Task 2.1) and the Multi-modal trends in urban and peri-urban areas, towards a common passenger/freight mobility ecosystem (Task 2.2), as well as in WP1 related to the Project management and coordination.