Title: ReliablE in-Vehicle pErception and decisioN-making in complex environmenTal conditionS – EVENTS
Contracting Authority: European Commission HORIZON EUROPE
Contract Number:101069614
Start Date: 01/09/2022
End Date: 31/08/2025
Project website:
EVENTS is an Horizon Europe project that brings together a complementary consortium of 11 partners by 6 EU countries and UK, with the view to deal with complex situations where the normal operation of the CAV is close to be disrupted (e.g. ODD limit is reached due to traffic changes, harsh weather/light conditions, unstructured road, imperfect data, sensor/communication failures, etc.), that are called “events”.
Events are creating challenges for CAVs, that should be overcome in order to enable safe and reliable automated driving in such cases. An indicative, but non-exhaustive list of these challenges is the following:
• Perception in complex urban environments, in particular dealing with Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs);
• Perception in adverse weather and poor lighting conditions;
• Perception under (partial) occlusions;
• Accurate prediction of road user trajectory (especially if highly manoeuvrable, like VRUs);
• Utilisation of connectivity (off-board information) to improve accuracy, certainty & reliability of perception;
• Reduction of the costs of the required sensor-suites;
• Real-time decision-making and motion planning especially in uncertain situations;
• Self-assessment of perception and localisation systems.
Within the scope of EVENTS, and in order to cover a wide area of scenarios, these events are clustered under three main use
• Interaction with VRUs in Complex Urban Environment;
• Non-Standard and Unstructured Road Conditions;
• Low Visibility and Adverse Weather Conditions.
As a matter of fact, the vision of EVENTS is to create a robust and resilient perception and decision-making system for CAVs to manage various types of “events” on the horizon. EVENTS will allow overcoming the current CAV ODD limitations due to the dynamic changing road environment (VRUs, obstacles) and/or due to imperfect data (e.g. sensor and communication failures), while ensuring continuous and safe operation. In EVENTS, in case the system or some of the subsystems cannot perform with the expected quality and reliability an improved minimum risk manoeuvre is triggered.
SEABILITY leads the outreach Work Package 7, which includes except for leading the dissemination and communication activities (task 7.1) and Social innovation & gender equality activities (task 7.4), the Exploitation & innovation management activities (task 7.2) and the Standardisation & international liaison activities (task 7.3). SEAB, also, contributes to EVENTS Technical management (task 1.2), Quality and risk management (task 1.3) & Data management and open science (task 1.4) as part of WP1 and participates in Use cases identification and specification as part of Task 2.1 and in Evaluation methodology and scope as part of Task 6.1.