Title: ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport – ICT4CART
Contracting Authority: European Commission H2020
Contract Number: 768953
Start Date: 01/09/2018
End Date: 31/08/2021
Project Website: www.ict4cart.eu

ICT4CART is an H2020 European project, which brings together a highly competent and complementary consortium composed of 21 partners from 9 European Countries in well-established automotive, telecom and IT industries, with the aim to shape the ICT landscape for Connected and Automated Road Transport and to boost the EU competitiveness and innovation in this area.

The main goal of ICT4CART is to deploy and test in real-life conditions, a versatile ICT infrastructure that will enable the transition towards higher levels of automation (up to L4), will address the existing gaps and will work with specific key ICT elements, namely:

  1. Hybrid connectivity
  2. Data management
  3. Cyber-security
  4. Data privacy and
  5. Accurate localisation

The ICT4CART developments will be achieved through a set of high-value use cases (urban and highway environments), which will be demonstrated and validated in real-life conditions at existing and suitably equipped test sites in Austria, Germany, Italy and cross-border (Italian-Austrian use case).

ICT4CART defines 7 objectives with a target on (O1) the identification of functional and technical connectivity requirements posed by the needs of higher levels of automation (SAE L3 & L4), (O2) the implementation and testing of a standards-based distributed IT environment for data aggregation, (O3) the implementation of cyber-security and data protection and privacy mechanisms aligned with the EU policy objectives, (O4) the improvement of localisation, (O5) the validation and demonstration of the ICT Infrastructure architecture through the project use cases and test sites, (O6) the definition of new business models and market services and (O7) the promotion of project outputs to standardisation bodies and policy makers.

SEAbility is leading task 9.2 activities related to dissemination activities and event organization. SEAbility is also involved in the definition of use cases requirements, in the conduction of the Market Needs Analysis –from freight transport point of view-, in the description of specifications and architecture considering data and IT services and in the definition of Data Exchange Services with a specific focus on commercial vehicles. SEAbility is also contributing and supporting the definition of the evaluation methodology and plan, the identification of the impact assessment, the conduction of cost analysis and Market sustainability and the exploitation strategy of the ICT4CART project.

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Project video: 

ICT4CART project video