Title: AutoMated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimisation for Sustainable Short SEa Shipping – MOSES
Contracting Authority: European Commission H2020
Contract Number: 861678
Start Date: 01/07/2020
End Date: 30/06/2023 (extended to 31/12/2023)
Project website:
MOSES is a project focused on maritime transport that addressed the call MG-2-6-2019 of the H2020 Programme and brings together a complementary consortium of 17 partners by 7 Member States. The consortium is formed by partners of different nationalities, technical backgrounds and thus the complementary multidisciplinary expertise secure a high-quality actor participation from each intervention domain.
MOSES aims to significantly enhance the Short Sea Shipping component of the European container supply chain by addressing the vulnerabilities and strains that relate to the operation of large containerships. MOSES will follow a two-fold strategy for reducing the total time to berth for TEN-T Hub Ports and stimulating the use of SSS feeder services to small ports (hub and spoke traffic) that have limited or no infrastructure.
MOSES will achieve its objectives by implementing the following innovations:
(i) For the SSS leg, an innovative, hybrid electric feeder vessel designed to match dominant SSS business cases;
(ii) For DSS ports, the adoption of an autonomous vessel manoeuvring and docking scheme (MOSES AutoDock);
(iii) A digital collaboration and matchmaking platform (MOSES platform).
MOSES innovations are analysed in the following Technical (TO), Societal (SO) and Market (MO) objectives:
- TO1.Design an innovative, hybrid electric feeder vessel outfitted with a robotic container-handling syste
- TO2.Develop an automated system for reducing manoeuvring and docking time for DSS ports
- TO3.Develop & promote the MOSES matchmaking platform to boost SSS
- SO1.Reduce the environmental footprint for SSS services and port areas compared to other modes
- SO2.Improve efficiency and end-to-end delivery times of SSS mode
- MO1.Develop and upscale concrete business cases for SSS
- MO2.Promote economic development of small ports with minimal investment
SEABILITY leads the dissemination and communication activities of the relevant Work Package, while contributing to the MOSES exploitation activities. It is responsible for the activities related to the identification of the most beneficial use cases and market opportunities for the MOSES innovations in the context of the container supply chain. SEAB contributes also raising ideas from their business areas regarding possible concepts with respect to the feasibility of mixed pax/freight services. It is involved in the activities on interface aspects with the AutoDock system and contributes to the definition of implications for shippers. Finally, SEAB takes part in the work on the business logic for the matchmaking platform and participates in developing the sustainability framework of MOSES by providing end-user driven approach in the evaluation.
MOSES Newsletters:
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