
Title: Next generation of life Saving appliances and systems for saFE and swift evacuation operations on high capacity PASSenger ships in extreme scenarios and conditions – SafePASS
Contracting Authority: European Commission H2020
Contract Number: 815146
Start Date: 01/09/2019
End Date: 31/08/2022 (extention until 31/12/2022)
Project website:
SafePASS, a Marine Accident Response project that addressed the call MG-2-2-2018 of the H2020 Programme, forms a unique combination of industrial partners (world leading companies in shipping industry combined with highly innovative SMEs), research labs and organisations each of which is a European leader in their respective field of expertise.
Evacuating a large passenger ship is a safety-critical and strictly time-bound task and a complex decision-making process based on the evolving situation and the information available. Timely evacuation requires fast and accurate evaluation of ship’s condition and estimation of remaining evacuation time. The assumption that all passengers will be able to comprehend and follow instructions or even that the crew will be able to communicate verbally during a crisis is very optimistic. In response, a system that will provide clear instructions and guide passengers safely on how to react in an emergency situation without reliance on any passenger skills or experience is of paramount importance for any large passenger ship.
SafePASS aims to radically redefine the evacuation processes, evacuation systems/equipment and international regulations for passenger ships in all environments, hazards and weather conditions, independently of the demographic factor. This will be achieved by developing an integrated system that will collectively monitor, process and inform during emergencies both crew and passengers of the optimal evacuation routes, coupled with advanced, intuitive and easy to use LSA. The result will be only the significant reduction of the total time required for ship evacuation and but also the increased safety. SafePASS defines six objectives, focused on:
O1. Developing a comprehensive post-incident approach from ALARM to RESCUE including mustering and abandonment in pertinent extreme flooding and fire scenarios, leading to risk estimation and impact of appropriate risk control measures post-flooding/fire emergencies.
O2. Designing and developing next generation life-saving appliances for large capacity passenger ships.
O3. Designing and developing advanced evacuation support tools and methods that will radically improve evacuation operations while enhancing situation awareness on board.
O4. Introducing an advanced platform, which addresses the safety needs of passengers during complex evacuation processes by identifying, designating and sustaining a Location-based Dynamic Evacuation Route that adapts according to current and evolving circumstances and guides passengers, while facilitating crew coordination.
O5. Providing social- and behavioural-driven solutions compatible with international legislation, standards & regulations (SOLAS, GDPR, etc.) and recommendations for future adoption.
O6. Validating and demonstrating SafePASS developments on industrially relevant environment.
SEAbility (Cy) is the leader of Task 2.1, related to the investigation of needs and gaps in the entire spectrum of passenger ship evacuation. SEAbility (Cy) is also actively contributing to the integration between the different components of the whole system. An eligible integration concept will be prepared in line with the use cases and processes defined and agreed in the relevant tasks and work package (WP2). This will assure the achievement of high Quality of Service (QoS) in data pipelines and processing services between the end-user applications and the SafePASS smart environment core platform, and seamless communication between all software components in integration activities. SEAbility (Cy), is actively participating in the analysis for the sociotechnical modelling and legal compliance framework (WP7) as well as in the SafePASS pilot development, validation and demonstrations (WP8).