DELPHI Title: FeDerated nEtwork of pLatforms for Passenger and freigHt Intermodality - DELPHI Contracting Authority: European Research Executive Agency (Horizon Europe) Contract Number: 101104263 Start Date: 01/07/2023 End Date: 30/06/2026 Project DELPHI is a Horizon Europe project that brings together a complementary consortium of [...]
zadmin2023-08-13T18:23:03+00:00THEROS Title: An integrated toolbox for improved verification and prevention of adulterations and non-compliances in organic and geographical indications food supply chain - THEROS Contracting Authority: European Research Executive Agency (Horizon Europe) Contract Number:101083579 Start Date: 01/01/2023 End Date: 31/12/2025 Project website: THEROS is [...]
zadmin2023-08-13T18:24:12+00:00EVENTS Title: ReliablE in-Vehicle pErception and decisioN-making in complex environmenTal conditionS - EVENTS Contracting Authority: European Commission HORIZON EUROPE Contract Number:101069614 Start Date: 01/09/2022 End Date: 31/08/2025 Project website: EVENTS is an Horizon Europe project that brings together a complementary consortium of 11 partners [...]
DRIC Defkalion
zadmin2023-08-13T18:24:54+00:00DRIC Defkalion Title: The Disaster Resilience Innovation Cluster – Defkalion (DRIC Defkalion) Contracting Authority: ΕΣΠΑ -ΕΠΑνΕΚ 2014-2020 Start Date: 2020 Project website: The Disaster Resilience Innovation Cluster – Defkalion (DRIC Defkalion) titled “Innovative Partnership for the Protection and Safety of Environmental Risks” aims to tackle [...]
zadmin2023-08-13T18:24:22+00:00MOSES Title: AutoMated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimisation for Sustainable Short SEa Shipping - MOSES Contracting Authority: European Commission H2020 Contract Number: 861678 Start Date: 01/07/2020 End Date: 30/06/2023 (extended to 31/12/2023) Project website: MOSES is a project focused on maritime transport that addressed [...]