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So far zadmin has created 138 blog entries.

COREALIS 4th plenary & 1st exploitation workshop, in Valencia

The 1st COREALIS exploitation Workshop took place on 16th of October in Valencia, Spain, hosted by Fundancion Valenciaport, with the main aim to present the Just-In-Time Rail Shuttle service exploitation strategy. SEABility and its Project Manger Elena Krikigianni, participated in the dynamic session,  following a methodology for the definition of collaborative business model called [...]

By |2020-04-15T12:01:00+00:00October 22nd, 2019|News|0 Comments

ICT4CART 4th plenary meeting, in Dublin

The ICT4CART 4th Plenary, GA and SC meeting was held on 24-26 September 2019 in Dublin, Ireland at the IBM office, IBM Research Ireland. ICT4CARTcolleagues presented the overall status of the first year, focusing on the progresses made under each Work Package and Pilot site as well as on [...]

By |2019-10-01T13:52:14+00:00October 1st, 2019|News|0 Comments

Cyber-MAR kick-off meeting in Porto Heli

Cyber-MAR is an EU-funded innovation action, that addressed the call SU-DS01-2018 of the H2020 Programme and consists of 13 partners from 8 EU countries, united in their vision to boost cyber preparedness in the maritime sector as a highly prioritize aspect. The aim of Cyber-MAR, coordinated by the Institute of Communication and Computer System [...]

By |2019-10-01T09:56:30+00:00September 23rd, 2019|News|0 Comments

SafePASS kick-off meeting, in Athens

The SafePASS project: An EU funded project that is expected to revolutionise emergency response in passenger ships via ‘smart’ devices and novel Life Saving Appliances. SEABility cyprus is delighted to announce its participation in the eagerly awaited SafePASS project, officially launched in Athens, Greece on 10th and 11th of September [...]

By |2019-10-30T11:22:21+00:00September 13th, 2019|News|0 Comments

IPIC conference 2019

The 6th International Physical Internet Conference 2019 (IPIC) was held in Church House, Westminster, London, between 9th-11th of July 2019. SEABillity Ltd was one of the COREALIS H2020 project representatives. Aim of the conference was to provide researchers, industry representatives, government officials and citizens with an open forum in order to give them the opportunity to together [...]

By |2019-10-01T13:41:45+00:00July 9th, 2019|News|0 Comments

COREALIS 3rd plenary meeting in Athens

COREALIS third plenary meeting took place on 26th -27th of June 2019, at Amarilia Hotel, in Athens, Greece. COREALIS colleagues presented the overall status for the first 14 months, focusing on the progresses made under each Work Package and Living Lab as well as on the achievement of the key milestones and the submission [...]

By |2019-10-01T10:15:24+00:00June 26th, 2019|News|0 Comments

ICT4CART technical meeting in Munich

ICT4CART technical meeting took place from 18th to 19th of June 2019. The two-days meeting was hosted by BMW in their premises in Munich, Germany. The meeting discussion was focused on current and future progress, challenges and solutions which will allow the transition of ICT infrastructure to higher levels of vehicle automation. Special attention [...]

By |2019-10-01T13:39:06+00:00June 18th, 2019|News|0 Comments

ICT4CART third plenary & Steering Committee meeting in Brussels

ICT4CART third plenary & Steering Committee meeting took place from 8th to 10th of April 2019. The three-days meeting was hosted by ERTICO in their premises in Brussels, Belgium. The first day was devoted to the Steering committee meeting, where the Coordinator (ICCS), along with the Technical and Innovation Manager (NOKIA), the Dissemination and [...]

By |2019-10-01T13:38:28+00:00April 8th, 2019|News|0 Comments

ELVITEN 4th GA (General Assembly) in Trikala

ELVITEN 4th plenary meeting took place on 21st-22nd of March 2019 in the city of Trikala. During the two days meeting ELVITEN partners presented the overall status of the project until month 23rd (March 2019), focusing on the progresses made under each Work Package and in each of the six European cities, which are [...]

By |2019-10-01T13:37:42+00:00March 22nd, 2019|News|0 Comments

COREALIS second plenary meeting in Kotka

COREALIS second plenary meeting took place on 12th -14th of February 2019, at Wellamo Maritime museum, in Kotka, Finland. COREALIS partners presented the overall status of the project for the first 9 months, focusing on the progresses made under each Work Package and Living Lab. During the first day [...]

By |2019-10-01T10:24:16+00:00February 12th, 2019|News|0 Comments
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