EVENTS 3rd Plenary Meeting took place on 19th to 20th of February 2024, in Delft, The Netherlands, and it was kindly hosted by TUDelft, Research lab of Automated Driving at Mechanical Engineering, colleagues.

EVENTS coordinator provided an overall update and an overview of the EVENTS project status, for the first semester of the second project year, since the project’s plenary meeting in Turin, that was held on September 2023.

EVENTS partners presented the overall status of the EVENTS project, giving special focus on the progress made, as well as, on the next steps for each one of the active Work Packages.

Elena Krikigianni, project manager at SEAbility delivered the corresponding presentation, as WP7 leader, on EVENTS outreach, for both dissemination & communication and exploitation activities.

She, also, presented Task 7.3 on Standardization & international liaison, on behalf of WMG and she moderated and streamlined the discussions around the raised topics.

More information about the event can be found here.